Foxconn ofera conditii de munca mult mai bune decat alti producatori de dispozitive electronice

  Desi de cateva saptamani de zile Apple este criticata pentru modul in care supravegheaza productia terminalelor iPhone in China, se pare ca partanerul sau Foxconn ofera conditii de munca mult mai bune decat alti producatori chinezi de dispozitive electronice. Un membru al unei asociatii care vegheaza la respectarea drepturilor angajatilor din China sustine ca spre deosebire de Apple, Nokia, HP, Dell si multi altii nu se ocupa aproape deloc de angajatii care le fabrica produsele. Apple investigheaza conditiile de munca si raporteaza publicului larg neregulile descoperite insa restul producatorilor nu se implica aproape deloc musamalizand problemele angajatilor chinezi.

Although I know that the iPhone 4 is made at sweat shop factories in China, I still think that this is the only choice, because Apple is actually one of the best. Actually before I made a decision, I compared Apple with other cell phone companies, such as Nokia. And the conditions in those factories are worse than the ones of Apple.

  Mai mult decat atat, Foxconn isi instruieste angajatii cu privire la pericolele din cadrul locului de munca si le ofera echipament adecvat pentru mediul in care lucreaza. Angajatii iau salarii decente si au asigurare medicala iar Foxconn verifica zilnic fabricile pentru a se asigura ca ele respecta toate standardele privind siguranta la locul de munca. In alte fabrici, precum cele care produc laptop-uri pentru Dell sau Toshiba, angajatii nu au nici macar o trusa  de prim ajutor la dispozitie si in cazul unui accident acopera ranile cu materialele care le au la dispozitie. Practic la Foxconn conditiile de munca sunt grele prin prisma orelor suplimentare insa comparandu-le activitatea cu cea a altor fabrici din China se pare ca la Foxconn lucrurile sunt mult mult mai bune.

At Compal Electronics, a huge supplier that manufactures notebooks for Dell, HP, Lenovo and Toshiba, workers reported that the company does not provide face masks or ear plugs, despite loud noises. Apparently, there was not even a first-aid kit available. In the event of an injury, the workshop manager will give the injured worker some cotton to cover up their injury.

  In concluzie Apple se implica mult mai mult pentru a verifica toate conditiile in care lucreaza angajatii partenerilor sai insa chiar si asa nu face indeajuns de mult.

If Apple still lowers their prices and doesn’t give enough profits to the factories, then the factories don’t have money to improve the labor conditions. So it’s always the problem of Apple and not the problem of factories. We can see that Apple is trying to put all the responsibility on the factories by releasing the supplier factory list and trying to put the factories into the focus of the immediate public, but we think that Apple should do more to make a positive change in the whole system.