O noua poza prezinta posibila carcasa a iPad 3

  Un service specializat in repararea iDevice-urilor a publicat o imagine in care ar fi infatisata carcasa tabletei iPad 3 comparata cu cea a tabletei iPad 2. Diferente in ceea ce priveste grosimea si design-ul nu par a exista insa in ceea ce priveste structura interna a componentelor se pare ca exista destule diferente. Apple pare sa fi facut o placa de baza mai ingusta pentru noua tableta si asta ar putea da de inteles ca dispozitivul ar putea veni cu o baterie noua. Aceeasi carcasa da de inteles ca in iPad 3 vom vedea o camera diferita impreuna cu un ecran LCD diferit desi nu se stie daca este vorba despre camera de 5 megapixeli si ecranul Retina pe care il asteptam cu totii.

A. You can see here that the mounts for the logic board are very different, which means the logic board shape will be different allowing for . . . .

B. More battery. The width of where the logic board sits on the iPad 2 appears much larger than that of the iPad 3. We have long heard that the iPad 3 was going to provide longer battery life, and this back housing seems to support that.

C. The camera is different. It is hard to make a judgment just by looking at the casing, but what we can expect is a different camera on the iPad 3 than what we had on the 2.

D. LCD will be different than what we have had before. Whether or not it will be the super screen we have seen reported will have to wait. But the different mounting does mean that the LCD has been redesigned at the very least.

  Din pacate poze cu spatele sau lateralele carcasei nu exista insa in zilele urmatoare este posibil sa vedem unele prezentate.