Samsung si Apple pierd in instantele din Germania

  Astazi atat Apple cat si Samsung au suferit “infrangeri” in Germania in urma unor hotarari date de instantele locale in legatura cu doua procese aflate pana astazi in curs de solutionare. Un brevet de inventie ale Samsung care are legatura cu tehnologii de telecomunicatii 3G/UMTS si unul al Apple in legatura cu sistemul slide to unlock au fost solutionate defavorabil pentru reclamanti, practic Samsung pierzand in doua procese si Apple doar in unul singur. Pentru Samsung aceste doua infrangeri se adauga la sirul lung de insuccese impotriva companiei Apple insa compania din Cupertino nu poate spune ca a avut parte de acelasi ghinion pana acum.

This morning, the Mannheim Regional Court handed down two patent rulings involving Apple and Samsung. Judge Andreas Voss threw out the third Samsung v. Apple lawsuit in a row (over a 3G/UMTS-essential patents like the previous two) and one of two Apple v. Samsung slide-to-unlock lawsuits pending in Mannheim (the other case is over a utility model, a special German kind of intellectual property right, and a decision on that one will be announced in two weeks from today, i.e., on March 16; further below I’ll explain why today’s decision does not in any way diminish the chances of success of the other slide-to-unlock case).Samsung today announced its intent to appeal the dismissal of its case, and while Apple typically declines to comment, I believe they, too, will appeal, especially since the Mannheim court’s interpretation of the slide-to-unlock patent was narrower than the one the Munich I Regional Court adopted in a case that Apple won (for the most part) against Motorola two weeks ago, a fact that shows that there’s room for interpretation and appeals courts could decide either way.

  Samsung a anuntat ca va formula un apel impotriva deciziilor de astazi insa Apple nu a facut vreo declaratie asemanatoare desi este foarte probabil sa ia aceleasi masuri. Din pacate cei de la Samsung nu au reusit sa castige vreo hotarare de interzicere a unor iDevice-uri in niciunul dintre procesele intentate impotriva Apple pe intregul glob. Samsung a avut parte numai de infrangeri in propriile actiuni si asta pentru ca foloseste brevete FRAND pentru a isi sustine afirmatiile deci e greu de crezut ca va reusi sa obtina vreodata ceva palpabil.