Dev Team ne avertizeaza sa NU facem update la iOS 5.1

  Inaintea conferintei pentru prezentarea iPad 3 Dev Team avertizeaza posesorii de iDevice-uri sa nu faca update la cea mai recenta versiune a sistemului de operare dedicat iDevice-urilor. Dev Team sustine ca saptamana aceasta iOS 5.1 GM va fi lansat pentru dezvoltatori si versiunea finala a sistemului de operare va fi lansata public saptamana viitoare iar toti cei care au iDevice-uri ar trebui sa nu faca update daca vor sa faca jailbreak in viitor! Problema cea mai mare este pentru cei care au iPhone 4S si iPad 2 deoarece ei nu vor putea face restore la iOS 5.0.1 dupa ce iOS 5.1 va fi lansat public in iTunes insa restul posesorilor de iDevice-uri vor putea face downgrade/restore fara probleme.

  • Soon after 5.1 appears on Apple’s public servers (i.e. iTunes starts to offer it), Apple will stop signing 5.0.1 SHSH blobs.
  • If you have an iPhone4S, the basic rule above is really the only rule:  you cannot restore back to 5.0.1 once the 5.0.1 signing window is closed, no matter what (even if you saved your SHSH blobs).
  • If you have an iPad2 with saved 4.x hashes, you can in fact downgrade to that 4.x but you won’t be able to get to 5.0.1 once the 5.0.1 signing window is closed (even if you saved your 5.0.1 SHSH blobs).
  • If you have a device earlier than the iPad2, you can downgrade to whatever version you want, as long as you have saved SHSH blobs for that version.  You’ll need the assistance of geohot’s limera1n exploit with tools like redsn0w to get into “pwned DFU mode” and bypass the downgrade restriction.