HP sustine ca nu a copiat vreodata design-ul produselor Apple

  Astazi vicepresedintele departamentului de design industrial din cadrul HP a vorbit la Shanghai despre design-ul pe care compania il foloseste in propriile produse. Conform vicepresedintelui companiei, 11 centre HP concep design-ul actualelor produse si ele nu se inspira din forma altor produse similare disponibile pe piata. Daca va uitati la laptop-ul de mai sus veti observa ca in anumite privinde el seamana cu MacBook Air-ul si Stacy Wolff, vicepresedintele departamentului de design industrial din cadrul HP, a fost intrebat daca nu se teme ca Apple i-ar putea da in judecata.

I would go back to the TC1000 [Tablet PC] from about 10 years, and that’s a tablet. I think if you look at the new Spectre XT, there are similarities in a way, not due to Apple but due to the way technologies developed. Apple may like to think that they own silver, but they don’t. In no way did HP try to mimic Apple. In life there are a lot of similarities.

  Raspunsul a fost desigur negativ, vicepresedintele HP spunand ca Apple nu are cu ce sa ii acuze si ca HP nu incearca sa copieze Apple in vreun fel. Adevarul este ca in anumite privinte cele doua ultrabook-uri se asemena, insa cred ca HP a reusit sa faca o treaba mai buna, indiferent daca a copiat sau nu design-ul produsului companiei Apple. HP a fost acuzata de cateva ori ca a copiat produse Apple, insa compania din Cupertino nu a actionat-o vreodata in judecata si probabil nici nu o va face prea curand.

Yeah, fanboys are wonderful, right? You guys gotta be my fanboys, come on. [Laughs] I think the big thing for me is that we’re doing what’s right for the customers, so one of the things is by going with the isolated island style of keyboard, there’s only so many ways to do it, right? If I put it on a black surface you’d go, ‘Oh you didn’t copy.’ If I put it on a silver surface, ‘Oh you’re copying.” How can that be? You know, it’s a change of color, there’s no intent to mimic or to follow. What you have is a common theme of island style keyboard, use of silver, wedge design. So if I measure things on a macro level, well, you know, maybe you can judge it that way. I don’t.