Un hot din Marea Britanie a vandut cartofi si sticle de apa drept iDevice-uri

  V-am spus de multe ori ca prin SUA exista persoane care vand bucati de lemn drept tablete iPad, insa iata ca si in Marea Britanie exista hoti cel putin la fel de inventivi. Se pare ca saptamana trecuta un astfel de hot a reusit sa pacaleasca trei persoane vanzandu-le cartofi si sticle de apa drept iDevice-uri. Hotul vindea cutii sigilate in care ar fi trebuit sa se afle iDevice-uri, insa in realitate el putea acolo fie un cartof, fie o sticla de apa plata pentru a da greutate cutii si a pacali victimele.

  Cutiile erau prezentate ca fiind sigilate, deci iDevice-urile din ele ar fi trebuit sa fie intacte, insa hotul disparea inainte ca victimele sa deschida cutia si sa realizeze ca acolo nu exista niciun terminal. Hotul a actionat in preajma unui mall si vinde cutiile respective persoanelor care veneau sa viziteze acea locatie, iar politia nu a reusit deocamdata sa il prinda. Desi aceasta poveste probabil nu vi se pare a fi chiar atat de noua, trebuie sa retineti ca nu este recomandabil sa achizitionati produse electronice de la persoane care le vand in mijlocul strazii.

The first con happened on Sunday, June 17, when a man was approached at Walton Street market and was offered a deal for a laptop or a mobile phone. After being shown a selection of iPhones, MacBooks and laptops and agreeing a price for a number of items, he was driven to a cash point by the suspect to withdraw the money. A laptop bag was handed to the man but after the conman had driven off, the victim opened it to discover bottled water inside.

The second crime happened on Saturday, June 23, on the Kingston Retail Park and involved a man being approached by a man offering an iPad for sale. The victim went to the bank with the man offering the sale and handed over cash in exchange for the boxed product. The fraudster then left before the box was opened and afterwards the victim found a bottle of water inside. A third victim was targeted outside Sainsbury’s in Spring Bank on Sunday when a man handed over cash for an iPhone. Opening the bag after his purchase, he discovered it contained only potatoes.