iPhone 5 va avea un Retina Display de 4 inch

  Desi peste  cateva saptamani de zile Apple va lansa un iPhone 5 cu ecran de 4 inch, acel ecran isi va pastra calitatile pe care le regasim in Retina Display-ul din iPhone 4/4S. Mai exact, ecranul va avea tot 326 pixeli per inch, exact precum ecranul fratilor sai mai mici, informatiile venind desigur de la surse din interiorul fabricilor care construiesc noul iPhone. Rezolutia ecranului din iPhone 5 va fi 1136 x 640, usor mai mare fata de 960 x 640 cat au iPhone 4/4S, insa asta nu pare sa conteze daca vorbim de numarul de pixeli per inch.

Apple’s next generation iPhone will reportedly have a 4-inch sized screen along with a resolution of 1136 by 640 and 326ppi, making it the number one 4-inch phone in terms of panel specifications in the market, according to industry sources. The screen size will be half an inch larger diagonally compared with Apple’s 3.5-inch iPhone 4S and will have enhanced resolution from 960 by 540 to 1136 by 640. Sources said these panel specifications make it the number one 4-inch phone on the market due to its resolution being higher than other 4-inch handsets made by vendors such as Samsung Electronics, Sony and Sharp.

  Nu stiu daca existau persoane care chiar credeau ca Apple nu va implementa un ecran Retina in iPhone 5, insa acest zvon este cat se poate de credibil, din punctul meu de vedere, pentru ca Apple nu poate renunta la un brand puternic precum cel denumit Retina.