Foxconn recunoaste ca a angajat temporar copii cu varsta de 14 ani

  Compania Foxconn a fost acuzata in repetate randuri ca a incalcat legislatia privind protectia muncii din China si ca a angajat minori in fabricile sale, iar astazi a recunoscut oficial ca intr-una dintre fabrici erau angajati temporar copii cu varsta de 14 ani. Yantai este orasul in care Foxconn are fabrica, cu pricina, compania spune ca toti minorii au fost trimisi inapoi la scolile din care au fost luati pentru a lucra in respectiva fabrica, insa desi s-a recunoscut existenta minorilor intr-o singura fabrica, in realitate probabil sunt mult mai multe in care legea nu se respecta. In China varsta minima legala pentru angajare este 16 ani, insa din pacate multe companii nu iau in calcul aceste restrictii, iar guvernul chinez nu le sanctioneaza.

BEIJING (AP) — The company that manufactures Apple’s iPhone said Tuesday it found underage interns as young as 14 working at one of its factories in China. Foxconn Technology Group said the interns were found by a company investigation at its factory in the eastern city of Yantai and were sent back to their schools. China’s minimum legal working age is 16. Foxconn, owned by Taiwan’s Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., said it was investigating with schools how the interns were sent to its factory. It didn’t say how many underage interns it found. “We recognize that full responsibility for these violations rests with our company and we have apologized to each of the students for our role in this action,” Foxconn said in a statement. “Any Foxconn employee found, through our investigation, to be responsible for these violations will have their employment immediately terminated.”

  Organizatiile pentru protectia drepturilor muncitorilor chinezi au spus inca de anul trecut ca Foxconn si alte mari companii din China angajeaza minori in propriile fabrici, iar de aceasta data se pare ca au avut dreptate, desi investigatiile lor nu au relevat dovezi care sa le sustina afirmatiile. Foxconn nu este singura companie care are asemenea probleme, Samsung fiind in ultimele luni acuzata de exact aceleasi lucruri, insa in acel caz compania a negat acuzatiile, asa cum a facut si Foxconn pana recent.