20 de milioane de tablete iPad ar putea vinde Apple in Q4 2012

  Dupa estimarile privind numarul de iPhone-uri vandute in Q4 2012, cei de la Fortune incearca acum sa estimeze si numarul de tablete iPad pe care compania Apple l-ar putea vinde in acest ultim trimestru fiscal. Conform calculelor facute de catre ei, compania Apple ar putea vinde maxim 19.23 milioane de tablete iPad in lumea intreaga. Ca de obicei, Fortune a intrebat analisti profesionisti si independenti, cei independenti estimand in medie ca Apple va vinde 19.23 milioane de tablete iPad, iar estimarea medie a analistilor profesionisti se situeaza in jurul valorii de 17.56 milioane de unitati.

The Street’s consensus put iPad sales at just under 17.6 million, while the consensus among the indies was for sales of 19.23 million, more than 9% higher. Not that there was universal agreement within the two groups. The low estimate of 14.8 million was submitted by both Gabelli & Co.’s Hendi Susanto and by Navin Arthanareeswaran of the independent Braeburn Group. Two indies submitted the same high estimate of 23 million: Braeburn’s Michael Cranston and the unaffiliated Navin Nagrani. The average estimate among all 61 analysts was 18.38 million.

  61 de analisti au fost chestionati de catre Fortune, iar estimarea medie pentru toti dintre ei este 18.63 milioane de unitati vandute in Q4 2012. Trei romani si-au spus parerea in legatura cu numarul de tablete iPad vandute de catre Apple, estimarile lor sunt intre 18.5 si 19 milioane de unitati, iar pe 25 octombrie vom afla cat a vandut intr-adevar Apple.