Serviciul de imigrari din SUA renunta la Blackberry pentru iPhone

  Zilele in care RIM era dispozitivul preferat al agentiilor guvernamentale incep sa fie date uitarii, iar la lista agentiilor care renunta partial la BlackBerry pentru iPhone adaugam astazi agentia pentru imigrari din SUA. 17.600 dintre angajatii agentiei americane vor avea terminale iPhone noi in viitorul apropiat, dispozitivele urmand sa inlocuiasca vechile terminale BlackBerry utilizate pana in prezent. 2.1 milioane de dolari este invetitia pe care o face serviciul de imigrari, iar pentru Apple vorbim despre o noua victorie in lupta cu RIM.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) said will end its contract with BlackBerry maker Research In Motion in favor of Apple’s iPhone, dealing a fresh blow to RIM just months ahead of its launch of a vital new device. The agency said in a solicitation document posted last week that it intends to buy iPhones for more than 17,600 employees – a purchase worth $2.1 million. The agency said it has relied on RIM for eight years but that RIM’s technology “can no longer meet the mobile technology needs of the agency”.

  Intr-un document oficial reprezentantii agentiei declara ca terminalele celor de la RIM nu mai fac fata necesitatilor tehnologice ale momentului, asa ca iPhone-urile le iau locul. Pentru inlocuirea terminalelor BlackBerry au fost luate in calcul si dispozitive Android, insa libertatea oferita de Google platformei a convins agentia ca iOS-ul este calea cea mai buna pentru a terminale la care securitatea primeaza. Desigur ca totul este un aranjament al celor de la Apple cu guvernul american, insa era normal sa fie asa deoarece vorbim despre o companie americana.

It also said that it had analyzed Apple’s iOS-based devices and Google’s Android operating system and concluded that for the near term Apple’s iPhone services offer the best technology for the agency because of Apple’s tight controls of the hardware platform and operating system. The agency said the iPhone will be used by a “variety of agency personnel, including, but not limited to, Homeland Security Investigations, Enforcement and Removal Operations, and Office of the Principal Legal Advisor employees”.