Zeci de persoane sunt judecate in China pentru contrabanda cu terminale iPhone, majoritatea sunt casnice

  In China exista o mare problema in ceea ce priveste contrabanda cu terminale iPhone sau tablete iPad, foarte multe persoane aducand aceste dispozitive din Hong Kong sau alte tari. 26 dintre contrabandistii descoperiti recent la granita Chinei sunt acum judecati de catre o instanta din respectiva tara. Persoanele au adus ilegal in China peste 162.000 de telefoane mobile care valoreaza peste 80 de milioane de dolari, insa partea cea mai proasta este ca majoritatea sunt casnice, care castigau foarte putini bani la fiecare drum.

Suppliers for what was one of China’s largest online iPhone stores have been hauled to court for allegedly evading taxes by smuggling Apple Inc’s iPhones and iPads into the country, official media reported on Friday.On Wednesday, 26 suppliers of Lanyou Shuma.com were tried in a Shenzhen court as part of five rings that smuggled more than 162,000 mobile phones worth over 500 million yuan ($80 million) from Hong Kong over the past two years. Half of the suspects are described as housewives who frequently travel to Hong Kong, according to another newspaper, the Southern Metropolis Daily, adding that they were paid 20 to 30 yuan in commission for each phone they brought back to the mainland.

 Suma totala a dispozitivelor aduse prin contrabanda este foarte mare, insa problema este ca simple casnice sunt folosite in acest proces si ele ar putea fi condamnate la pedepse privative de libertate. Bisnitarii castiga extrem de multi bani din terminalele aduse ilegal in China si vandute pe piata neagra, persoanele care isi asuma riscul de a le transporta ilegal castiga foarte putin si pot lua pedepse foarte mari de la instantele de judecata.