CES 2013: Nectar Brookstone – un incarcator neobisnuit pentru iDevice-uri

  La CES 2013 au fost prezentate cateva accesorii interesante, insa Nectar Brookstone intra cu siguranta in categoria celor neobisnuite. Dispozitivul promite sa ne incarce iDevice-urile fara a folosi o sursa de curent electric, insa pentru a face acest lucru utilizeaza celule energetice care costa 10$ bucata. Aceste celule au capacitatea de a incarca un iPhone de aproximativ 10 ori, oferind teoretic 2 saptamani de autonomie, conform producatorilor. Dispozitivul in sine costa 300$, iar celulele energetice cate 10$ bucata, insa ceea ce ofera ele este cu adevarat interesant.

nectar™ is the world’s first truly portable power system. After inserting a pod, any USB 2.0 compatible CE device can have 2 weeks to a month of mobile power. Unlike other back-up batteries or recharging devices, nectar does not need to ever be plugged in to a wall outlet. Today’s consumer electronics devices are more power-hungry than ever. A dead battery means important missed calls and emails, no GPS when you’re lost, no e-reader on your train ride, no communication in an emergency, and an overall feeling of dread and anxiety. Lilliputian has the cure, nectar™- the world’s first truly portable power device that will power all of your CE devices for up to a month with a single power pod.

  Majoritatea dispozitivelor asemanatoare sunt disponibile la preturi apropiate, Nectar Brookstone se deosebeste doar prin felul in care ofera energia, insa la pretul de 300$ nu cred ca se vor gasi multe persoane interesate de el.