FlatIcons – o tema inedita pentru iDevice-ul tau

  FlatIcons este o tema lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul ei puteti schimba putin aspectul Springboard-ului iDevice-urilor voastre. Tema este conceputa pentru a rearanja iconitele din iDevice-urile voastre in modul prezentat in imaginea de mai sus, iar  pe langa rearanjare aveti parte si de un set de iconite noi, potrivite pentru intregul design. Din pacate tema modifica doar aspectul Springboard-ului, nu si interfata aplicatiilor native, asa ca nu va asteptati la altceva decat atat. FlatIcons este disponibila in repo-ul ZodTTD & MacCiti al Cydia.

Welcome to the most upvoted theme on /r/iOSThemes to date! This clean and minimal icon theme is beautiful and functional. Every icon is carefully redrawn by hand and optimized for the iPhone’s retina screen. By popular demand, I have included two versions in this package: FlatIcons: The theme you loved come to life! FlatIconsSquared: By popular demand, I have also included a square theme. This theme might even be better than the original! Because it “auto-skins” app icons to be square, this theme will always look more complete on your phone! Unlike other minimal icon themes for iOS, this theme is fully supported by its developer! I will be frequently updating the theme to add new icons by request.