Fast Forward te ajuta sa faci clipuri video intr-un nou mod (Video)


  Fast Forward este o aplicatie lansata in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti inregistra clipuri video intr-un cu totul alt mod. Aplicatia poate sa inregistreze un anumit numar de frame-uri, permite setarea unui delay intre inregistrarea frame-urilor, permite setarea rezolutiei finale si permite setarea numarului maxim de framerate-uri. Fast Forward este deasemenea disponibila in App Store in format gratuit si in format platit, dezvoltatorul listand exact aceeasi functionalitate, iar publicarea sa si in Cydia presupun ca are un simplu scop de marketing.

“Fast Forward” is a unique Camera App let you create amazing videos in a simple few steps. Captures thousands of frames and create a stunning video clips without the need of expensive editing softwares. Capture great moment like:

  • Sunrise or sunset, moonrise and flowers blossom;
  • Create Charlie Chaplin style videos;
  • Create Stop Motion videos.

  Fast Forward este disponibila gratuit in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia.

How to use :

  1. Set number of frames to capture.
  2. Set delay between each frame.
  3. Set output resolution.
  4. Set output video frame rate.
  5. Start capture! 

Fast Forward will automatically composite all frames into a single video, your final video will be available on your Camera Roll

A minimum of 48 frames is required in order to composite a video.  Make sure you have enough free space in order to capture all frames. You can import all frames and final video form “Fast Forward” shared folder using iTunes.

Pretul initial:
Fast Forward.



Developer: Kobi Snir
Categoria: Photo & Video

Descriere: “Fast Forward” is a unique Camera App let you create amazing videos in a simple few steps.
Captures thousands of frames and create a stunning video clips without the need of expensive editing softwares.

Capture great moment like:
Sunrise or sunset, moo…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 0.3 Mb