Un PC Apple 1 functional s-a vandut pentru 671.000$ la o licitatie din Germania (Video)


  Primele calculatoare ale companiei Apple au devenit adevarate obiecte de colectie pentru multe persoane, iar un Apple 1 functional s-a vandut recent pentru suma record de 671.000$ la o licitatie organizata in Germania. Recordul stabilit acum il depaseste pe unul marcat in luna noiembrie a anului trecut, atunci un obiect similar vanzandu-se pentru suma de 640.000$ la aceeasi casa de licitatii. Daca va intrebati de ce ar fi cineva motivat sa cheltuie atat de multi bani pe un asemenea produs, atunci va spun ca acel PC era semnat de Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak si a apartinut unui jucator MLB numit Fred Hatfield.

The high prices paid for the machines seem to be explained by the combination of scarcity, a fascination with the early history of the computer age, and the mystique of Apple and its founders, Steven P. Jobs and Stephen G. Wozniak. And some irrational exuberance in the prices, for a machine that can do very little and originally sold for $666 (about $2,700 in current dollars). “This really confirms the value of Apple-1’s,” Uwe Breker, the German auctioneer, said in an interview on Saturday.

The buyer, Mr. Breker said, was a wealthy entrepreneur from the Far East, who wishes to remain anonymous.