Un angajat Microsoft l-a convins pe Steve Jobs sa dezvolte tableta iPad

  Tableta iPad este unul dintre cele mai bune si mai profitabile produse ale companiei Apple, iar ieri v-am spus ca ea are o rata de crestere de 3 ori mai mare decat ce a iPhone-ului. Cu multi ani in urma tableta nu exista, insa Steve Jobs a fost motivat de un angajat al Microsoft sa o produca, totul dupa o discutie avuta la o petrecere. Angajatul Microsoft a inceput sa laude viitoarea tableta a companiei care va face utilizatorii sa uite de calculatoare si ii recomanda lui Steve Jobs sa licentieze software-ul care urma sa fie implementat in ea.

This guy badgered me about how Microsoft was going to completely change the world with this tablet PC software and eliminate all notebook computers, and Apple ought to license his Microsoft software. But he was doing the device all wrong. It had a stylus. As soon as you have a stylus, you’re dead. This dinner was like the tenth time he talked to me about it, and I was so sick of it that I came home and said, “Fuck this, let’s show him what a tablet can really be.”

  Desigur ca tableta avea un stylus, era nepotrivita in opinia lui Jobs, asa ca a doua zi a intrat in sediul Apple si le-a cerut inginerilor sa ii produca o tableta capabila sa functioneze fara stylus, dar cu o tastatura virtuala. Dupa aproximativ 6 luni de dezvoltare, Steve Jobs avea tableta respectiva, insa dispozitivul s-a transformat initial in iPhone-ul lansat in 2007, iar abia in 2010 a ajuns pe piata in forma conceputa de la bun inceput.


  1. Continuarea…..“Jony Ive had a different memory of how multi-touch was developed. He said his design team had already been working on a multi-touch input that was developed for the trackpads of Apple’s MacBook Pro, and they were experimenting with ways to transfer that capability to a computer screen. They used a projector to show on a wall what it would look like. “This is going to change everything,” Ive told his team. But he was careful not to show it to Jobs right away, especially since his people were working on it in their spare time and he didn’t want to quash their enthusiasm. “Because Steve is so quick to give an opinion, I don’t show him stuff in front of other people,” Ive recalled”

    Excerpt From: Isaacson, Walter. “Steve Jobs.” Simon & Schuster, 2011. iBooks.
    This material may be protected by copyright.

  2. Cea mai proasta idee a celor de la Microsoft de a scoate Windows mobile dacă vroiau sa între puternic si sa facă concurenta cu ios trebuiau sa fie un Windows pur cu un preț mic.de asta Pirateria la Windows e mare prețul.Au scos o tableta de 30 mil fără nimic special.Un produs revoluționar ar fi o tableta nokia cu Windows pur in varianta 7-10 inch la un preț bun.

  3. Discutia a avut loc acum mai bine de 10 ani.
    Unde e tableta aia Microsoft “care va face utilizatorii sa uite de calculatoare”.
    In schimb de 3 ani exista un iPad care face acest lucru.