Apple intentioneaza sa reactiveze saptamana aceasta intregul portal dedicat dezvoltatorilor

  In cursul acestei seri compania Apple a inceput sa trimita email-uri dezvoltatorilor sai anuntandu-i ca toate serviciile disponibile in portalul dedicat lor pe website-ul sau urmeaza sa fie reactivate complet in cursul acestei saptamani. In momentul de fata doar 4 servicii raman inactive, restul celor importante fiind disponibile dezvoltatorilor fara probleme inca de acum cateva zile. Au trecut mai bine de 2 saptamani de zile din momentul in care intregul portal dedicat dezvoltatorilor a fost inchis complet si mai apoi partial, insa zilele urmatoare lucrurile trebuie sa revina la normal.

Apple Developer Update: Aug 5, 2013

We sincerely appreciate your patience as we work to bring our developer program services back online, and we want to give you an update on our progress. The majority of our developer services are currently online, including Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, Dev Centers, software downloads, Videos, Apple Developer Forums, iTunes Connect, Bug Reporter, App Store Resource Center and access to pre-release documentation.

We plan to reinstate most of the remaining services this week: Xcode automatic configuration as well as access to license agreements, TSIs, program enrollments, and renewals in Member Center. You can check the availability of these systems on our status page.

As a reminder, if your membership was set to expire during this downtime, it has been extended and your apps will remain on the App Store and Mac App Store.

We apologize for the significant inconvenience that our downtime has caused and encourage you to reach out to our support team if you need any assistance.