iPhone 5S este mai fragil decat Motorola Moto X conform unei companii care comercializeaza garantii pentru terminale mobile (Video)


  SquareTrade este o companie specializata pe comercializarea de garantii pentru terminale mobile, iar din moment ce iPhone 5S a fost lansat, ei trebuiau sa arate lumii intregi cat de fragil este dispozitivul. Intr-un test in care iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, Motorola Moto X si Samsung Galaxy S4 au fost puse fata in fata cu asfaltul si apa, cei de la SquareTrade ne demonstreaza ca terminalul celor de la Motorola este cel mai rezistent. iPhone 5c a cedat de la primul test cu un ecran crapat, insa iPhone 5s a iesit mult mai bine din aceasta incercare, doar marginele sale fiind avariate.

When it comes to breakability, Apple takes a step back with its latest offerings. The iPhone 5S fared worse than its predecessor, the iPhone 5, in our slide test and the iPhone 5C suffered from increased smash-ability in our drop test as well as reduced grip-ability. We were expecting that at least one of the new iPhone models would up its game but surprisingly, it was the Moto X that proved most forgiving of accidents. This is the first time we’ve tested the breakability on a Motorola phone, the only phone we’ve ever tested that’s made in the USA. We were pleased to find that it withstood our drop, slide and dunk test with only the slightest dent. It looks like Google is giving Apple and Samsung a run for their money.

  Desigur ca nimeni nu spune ca trebuie sa achizitionati un Motorola Moto X doar pentru ca il puteti scapa pe jos fara prea multe griji, insa nivelul de rezistenta al unui smartphone este foarte important.