iPad Air vs Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 vs Google Nexus 10 – comparatia detaliata a ecranelor

  iPad Air, Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 si  Google Nexus 10 sunt 3 dintre cele mai bune tablete care au ecrane de rezolutie inalta, iar cei de la Display Mate s-au hotarat sa faca o comparatie pentru ceea ce conteaza extrem de mult, adica ecranul. In imaginea de mai jos aveti prezentate rezultatele lor si Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 este tableta care castiga in majoritatea testelor, tableta iPad Air iesind mai mereu pe pozitia a doua, in timp ce Google Nexus 10, lansata in 2012, are cele mai slabe rezultate.

The iPad Air has mostly incremental but still significant improvements over the excellent 3rd and 4th generation iPad displays. Compared to the 4thgeneration, the screen Reflectance decreased by 23 percent, the Peak Brightness increased by 7 percent, and the Contrast Rating for High Ambient Light increased by 32 percent – all good. Absolute Color Accuracy and Image Contrast fidelity are very good (but somewhat below the Kindle Fire) and are discussed in detail below. The emphasis for the iPad Air is in reduced size, thickness, and weight. The most important under the hood display improvement is the switch from a-Si amorphous Silicon LCDs up to a much higher performance IGZO LCD backplane, which was discussed in our iPad 3 Display Shoot-Out article last year. The switch to IGZO produces an impressive 57 percent improvement in display power efficiency from previous Retina Display iPads – so the iPad Air doesn’t get uncomfortably warm like the earlier iPads.

  Va spuneam in review-ul iPad Air ca Apple nu a imbunatatit Retina Display-ul din tableta, implementand doar un panou mai subtire si mai usor, fara a modifica in vreun fel modul in care sunt redate imaginile. Acest lucru pozitioneaza Apple in spatele tabletei Amazon si desi diferentele sunt mici, ele exista si pentru unii vor conta. Apple are nevoie de un Retina Display imbunatatit care sa aiba si o rezolutie ceva mai mare pentru a fi in rand cu restul competitorilor Android, altfel in urmatorii ani risca sa piarda si mai mult din cota sa de piata.