Axle implementeaza noi slidere pentru toggle-urile task switcher-ului

  Axle este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei zile in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem implementa noi slidere interesante pentru toggle-urile prezente in task switcher. Dupa cum puteti vedea in imaginea de mai sus, tweak-ul modifica sliderele orizontale ale task switcher-ului cu toggle-uri circulare care pot fi actionate in acelasi mod. Toggle-urile modifica in acelasi mod setarile pentru care sunt actionate de catre utilizatori, deci vorbim pur si simplu despre o schimbare a modului de actionare a lor.

Axle brings an entirely new concept to your app switcher by adding circular sliders for volume and brightness right on the iPod controls screen. It also adds a brand-new toggles page to the left, so you can easily change settings wherever you are. It is fast, convenient, and most importantly, fun to use!

  • Volume and brightness sliders on iPod controls screen
  • Redesigned now playing view, tap song title to show track info and album art or long press to open the currently playing app
  • New toggles page powered by Flipswitch for a fast, reliable, extensible settings system
  • Very fast and efficient, runs smoothly even on older devices

  Axle este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.