Apple anunta primul Editor’s Choice al saptamanii


  Este weekend si dupa cum prea bine stiti deja, Apple modifica promotiile disponibile in App Store-ul sau, asa ca avem acum parte de noi aplicatii prezentate in sectiunea Editor’s Choice. Pentru aceasta saptamana compania a ales sa promoveze aplicatia Joe Dange: Infinity, ea fiind lansata de catre Chillingo in App Store zilele trecute. Joe Danger: Infinity este o continuare a titlului Joe Danger lansat cu mai bine de un an de zile in urma in App Store. Daca ati incercat vechea versiune a titlului, atunci stiti ca in el veti avea controlul asupra lui Joe Danger, un cascador american pe care trebuie sa il ghidati prin cele mai traznite cascadorii concepute de catre dezvoltatori. Joe Danger Infinity ne pune la dispozitie nu mai putin de 20 de masini, sute de nivele pline de cascadorii si 25 de caractere pe care le puteti debloca.

The World’s Most Determined Motorbike Stuntman has been shrunk down into a tiny world with hundreds of new levels! Defy death with dozens of new vehicles! There’s motorbikes, cars, airplanes… even a tank and a runaway firework! Fight remote control helicopters, dodge snooker balls and use a block of cheese to ramp over bowls of soup! 

  • VEHICLES! 20+ new vehicles. Motorbikes! Cars! Planes!
  • FUN! Critically acclaimed gameplay in your hands
  • BOSS BATTLES! Can you defeat them?
  • INFINITY! Hundreds of levels!
  • UNLOCKABLES! 25+ playable characters to discover
  • COMPETITION! Pull tricks and combos to beat your friends

  Joe Danger Infinity este disponibil in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Joe Danger Infinity



Developer: Hello Games Ltd
Categoria: Games

Descriere: **”Joyous and addictive” PocketGamer **
**”One of our favorite games on iPhone” TouchArcade**
**”Looks beautiful” 148Apps **
**”Endless Fun” Kotaku**

The Worlds Most Determined Motorbike Stuntman has been shr…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 86.9 Mb