BBM 2.0 aduce posibilitatea de a efectua apeluri voce si multe alte noutati interesante (Video)


  In cursul noptii trecute compania canadiana BlackBerry a publicat in App Store versiunea 2.0 a celebrei aplicatii BBM, ea permitandu-ne sa comunicam cu orice utilizatori ai platformei BlackBerry. Noua versiune a aplicatiei aduce in sfarsit BBM Voice, care ne permite sa efectuam apeluri voce prin VoIP, aduce BBM Channels si optiunea de a participa la conversatii in grup cu diversi utilizatori/branduri/companii, aduce un nou sistem mai simplu pentru partarea imaginilor/notitelor/fisierelor, aduce posibilitatea de a partaja temporar locatia si alte cateva noutati.

With great new features like BBM Voice, BBM Channels and all new ways to share, there’s more ways than ever before to BBM me.

  • BBM Voice – Free voice calls between BBM contacts 
  • BBM Channels – join conversations happening now with BBM users, brands, businesses, communities and more
  • Faster, easier sharing – quickly add photos, voice notes, files and attachments to your BBM chats from your smartphone or Dropbox account 
  • Location sharing – Share your location temporarily, powered by Glympse. Your location is updated live on a map, right in BBM. When the timer runs out your location is private again. 
  • 100 new emoticons – Get your point across with great new emojis
  • Find Friends – Quickly find and add new BBM contacts from your smartphone contact list
  • Larger BBM Groups – You can now chat and share with 50 people in your BBM Group

  BBM pentru iOS a fost lansata in cursul anului trecut in App Store si s-a bucurat de un succes impresionant, zeci de milioane de persoane instaland si testand aplicatia in saptamanile anterioare lansarii. BBM pentru iOS este disponibila gratuit in App Store.

Pretul initial:



Developer: BlackBerry Limited
Categoria: Social Networking

Descriere: BBM brings you together in the moment with friends and family through instant chats, voice calls, picture sharing, voice notes and more. Download the official version of BBM now.

Chat with friends on iPh…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 46.8 Mb


  1. Vroiam sa intreb daca foloseste cineva aplicatia asta si daca are ceva deosebit fata de restul aplicatiilor ( Facetime , whattsap )