Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs prezinta compania Apple fara Steve Jobs, se concentreaza pe Tim Cook (Video)

  Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs este o carte scrisa de catre Yukari Kane, iar dupa cum v-am spus si in titlu, ea incearca sa modul in care functioneaza compania Apple in lipsa lui Steve Jobs, accentul fiind pus pe prezentarea actualului CEO, Tim Cook. Conform profilului facut de catre Yukari Kane, Tim Cook care caracteristici, in general, opuse fostului CEO Steve Jobs, el avand o prezenta puternica in cadrul companiei americane, insa din pacate ea este complet diferita de cea care a adus companie intr-o pozitie dominanta pe piata.

As tough as Cook was reputed to be, he was also generous. He gave away the frequent-flier miles that he racked up as Christmas gifts, and he volunteered at a soup kitchen during the Thanksgiving holidays. He had also participated in an annual two-day cycling event across Georgia to raise money for multiple sclerosis; Cook had been a supporter since being misdiagnosed with the disease years before. “The doctor said, ‘Mr. Cook, you’ve either had a stroke, or you have MS,’ ” Cook told the Auburn alumni magazine. He didn’t have either. His symptoms had been produced from “lugging a lot of incredibly heavy luggage around.”

  In ciuda faptului ca Tim Cook nu este un vizionar precum Steve Jobs, el s-a dovedit a fi un bun administrator, un CEO dedicat actiunilor caritabile, insa un sef dur care in momentele importante si-a folosit pozitia pentru a corecta problemele din cadrul companiei. Dupa cum veti vedea si in clipul video de mai sus, Tim Cook va fi laudat pentru multiplele sale calitati, chiar daca ele sunt diferite de cele ale lui Steve Jobs, insa din pacate ideea ca Apple se indreapta spre faliment inca nu a iesit din mintea multora.

KANE: I think the answer is obvious to me. The answer has got to be yes. This is a company who had revolved around Steve Jobs for so long, I mean that was something that Jobs himself went out of his way to make sure of. And the people there are conditioned to operate, to play off of his strengths and weaknesses. And so now you’ve got this completely opposite guy in Tim Cook, who is I think brilliant in many ways, but in different ways. But so they’re going through some growing pains in that.