Tim Cook explica ratiunea din spatele parteneriatului Apple cu IBM

  In cursul acestei dimineti v-am spus ca Apple si IBM au incheiat un parteneriat prin care urmeaza sa dezvolte si sa vanda produse dedicate mediului business de pe intregul glob. Desi intr-un memoriu intern trimis angajatilor propriei companii, Tim Cook a vorbit despre implicatiile parteneriatului dintre Apple si IBM, iata ca intr-o declaratie de presa facuta celor de la recode a oferit detalii suplimentare.

The way to think about this is that there are a lot of killer consumer apps out there. … But they were built from a mobile point of view from the ground up. And so they didn’t have the legacy of having been built for the desktop ever. A lot of the enterprise stuff started out from the desktop and then migrated to mobile. It’s not optimized for mobility.

  Tim Cook sustine ca o combinare intre credibilitatea IBM in mediul business si experienta Apple in domeniul terminalelor mobile reprezinta o combinatie care cu greu va putea fi contrata de catre competitorii celor doua companii. Preluand o logica aplicata pentru atacarea Android, Tim Cook vorbeste despre aplicatiile business care n-au fost vreodata gandite pentru terminale mobile si au o experienta de utilizare foarte proasta, Apple si IBM putand oferi alternative mai bune, optimizate pentru terminale mobile.

By and large, I think we’ve transformed the life of consumers, but I wouldn’t say we’ve transformed the enterprise. We’ve transformed it some. But the truth is that in order to do that in a big way you need to have the industry expertise of each of the industry verticals, and IBM has that in spades. We don’t have that. … Together we deliver a product to the enterprise that neither of us could deliver on our own, and that we don’t think any pair of or combination of many companies can do. This is a watershed partnership. It really is profound.

  Continuand, Cook sustine ca atuurile fiecarei companii pot ajuta acest perteneriat sa isi atinga obiectivele impuse la incheierea sa, CEO-ul Apple fiind de parere ca nicio alta combinatie de companii nu poate forma un cuplu mai puternic decat cel dintre Apple si IBM. Acestea fiind spuse, va fi interesant de vazut ce vor aduce pe piata cele doua companii in viitor, Apple incercand sa castige increderea unui segment extrem de profitabil al pietei, un segment in care nu avea vreo prezenta substantiala pana acum.