Michael Stuhlbarg vorbeste despre procesul unic al repetitiilor pentru filmul Steve Jobs (Video)

Michael StuhlbargMichael Stuhlbarg este omul ales pentru a il interpreta pe fostul angajat Apple, Andy Hertzfeld, in filmul Steve Jobs produs de catre cei de la Universal, iar intr-un interviu recent el a vorbit despre procesul unic al repetittiilor pe care le-a facut pentru pelicula.

Conform lui Stuhlbarg, filmul Steve Jobs este impartit in 3 mari scene care prezinta lansarea unor produse ale companiei Apple in paralel cu diverse momente importante din viata celebrului fost CEO al companiei Apple.

Procesul de pregatire pentru filmari a impus doua saptamani de repetitii pentru fiecare act si cateva zile sau saptamani de filmare, Michael Stuhlbarg sustinand ca aceasta a fost prima oara cand a experimentat un asemenea sistem si probabil va fi ultima.

Being a part of them was extraordinary. They were very unique projects unto themselves. Particularly the Steve Jobs rehearsal process was unlike anything I’ve ever done to this point and probably unlike anything I’ll ever do again. Aaron Sorkin wrote it very much like a three-act play, and each act was the launch of a new product. So we rehearsed each act for two weeks and then we shot for two weeks; then we rehearsed for two weeks and shot for two weeks; then we rehearsed for two weeks and then we shot for two weeks.

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