Mr. Crab 2 este Editor’s Choice-ul saptamanii in App Store

Mr. Crab 2 este Editor’s Choice-ul saptamanii in App Store ales de catre compania Apple, cei din Cupertino gandindu-se sa le ofere copiilor un joc de care sa se bucure in orele in care parintii ar dori sa faca orice altceva cu timpul lor liber.

Dupa cum ii spune si numele, Mr. Crab 2 este continuarea unui joc promovat acum cativa ani de catre compania Apple in App Store, acel titlu dovedindu-se foarte popular punand in centrul gameplay-ului povestea unui rac simpatic adorat de copii.

In cea de-a doua versiune a Mr. Crab, copiii au posibilitatea de a controla o varietate de alte creaturi marine, toti fiind antrenati intr-o aventura menita sa-i recupereze pe racii rapiti de catre dusmanii personajului principal din Mr. Crab 2.

Guess who’s back? The irresistible, friendly and cool superhero Mr Crab. This time he brought some new friends to join him on the most beautiful and meaningful adventure. Will Mr Crab and his friends manage to save all lost baby crabs? To be able to do this they have to master the jumping, go through exciting and adorable passages and last but not least look out for evil enemies. Will the crab heroes ever succeed? Now it’s in your hands to help the Mr. Crab and his friends getting their babies back.

Rapiditatea cu care rezolvati fiecare nivel este esentiala in Mr. Crab 2, dezvoltatorii creand pentru copii o varietate de nivele foarte interesante, ei avand ocazia de a se distra in timp ce descopra lumea virtuala care le este dezvaluita.

  • In Mr. Crab 2 you´ll need to use all your timing and quick thinking to get gold medals on every level.
  • Lots of challenging and beautiful levels. Levels to unlock for free and level to get as gifts in the vending machine.
  • Collect lots of fun stuff like hats and masks to customize your crabs.
  • Music composed by Scott Tobin

Mr. Crab 2 este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA, in format universal, din App Store.