Tim Cook vorbeste despre iPhone 7, realitate virtuala si realizarile sale de presedinte Apple

Tim Cook, presedintele companiei Apple, a vorbit intr-un interviu emotionant despre realizarile sale in ultimii 5 ani in care a condus compania americana, el fiind succesorul de drept al lui Steve Jobs, iar decizia de a-l plasa la conducerea Apple s-a dovedit a fi una extrem de buna, cel putin in baza a ceea ce am vazut pana acum.

Tim Cook se asteapta ca iPhone 7 sa fie unul dintre produsele revolutionare pe care Apple le va lansa in cursul acestui an pe piata, cei din Cupertino asteptandu-se si la o crestere majora in vanzari dupa lansarea sa pe piata, insa desigur nu sunt oferite detalii cu privire la schimbarile ce ar trebui sa fie oferite.

Separat de acestea, Tim Cook a recunoscut faptul ca Apple Maps s-a dovedit a fi un adevarat esec si a pus in mare dificultate compania Apple in momentul aparitiei, el recunoscand si ca angajarea lui John Browett la conducerea diviziei Apple Store nu a fost o decizie inteleapta, el fiind inlocuit la foarte scurt timp.

He spoke in candid terms about the mistakes he’s made on the way, such as his first hire to run Apple’s retail stores (“that was clearly a screw-up”).

In cei 5 ani in care Tim Cook a condus Apple, compania a crescut de 4 ori in ceea ce priveste incasarile anuale, presedintele Apple afirmand ca oferta de terminale iPhone a crescut, aceasta fiind o decizie foarte buna pentru el, insa lansarea Apple Watch a fost deasemenea una dintre cele mai bune schimbari facute.

The obvious things are we have more employees in the company. The company is four times larger [by revenue since 2010]. We’ve broadened the iPhone lineup. That was a really key decision, and I think a good one. We’ve gone into the Apple Watch business, which has gotten us into wellness and in health. We keep pulling that string to see where that takes us. Lots of core technology work has been done.

In ceea ce priveste scaderea vanzarilor de terminale iPhone, Tim Cook spune ca acesta este un privilegiu si nu o problema, el considerand ca pe termen lung vanzarile vor creste si ca tot mai multi oameni vor detine un iPhone, produsul putand intra in istorie din punct de vedere al numarului de persoane care detin un terminal din aceasta categorie.

This is actually a privilege, not a problem. Think about this: What other products do you know where the ratio of people to the product, for a consumer electronics product, will be one-to-one over the long haul? I don’t think there is another one.

Partea interesanta din interviu il are in centru pe Steve Jobs, el afirmand ca fostul co-fondator al companiei Apple un poate fi inlocuint de catre cineva, Tim Cook neavand vreodata intentia de a il inlocui pe binecunoscutul fost presedinte, afirmand ca ar fi esuat daca ar fi incercat sa faca asta.

Tim Cook spune ca in momentul in care a acceptat functia de presedinte al Apple credea ca Steve Jobs va fi langa el pentru o buna perioada de timp, insa ziua in care fostul sau prieten a murit a fost cea mai dureroasa din viata sa, momentul venind ca o surpriza deoarece Tim Cook era de parere ca Steve Jobs isi va reveni, asa cum facuse intotdeauna.

To me, Steve’s not replaceable. By anyone. [Voice softens] He was an original of a species. I never viewed that was my role. I think it would have been a treacherous thing if I would have tried to do it. When I first took the job as CEO, I actually thought that Steve would be here for a long time. Because he was going to be chairman, work a bit less after he came back up the health curve. So I went into it with one thought, and then weeks later — six weeks later, whatever —It was very quickly. [The day he died] was sort of the worst day ever. I just — I had really convinced myself. I know this sounds probably bizarre at this point, but I had convinced myself that he would bounce, because he always did.

In ceea ce priveste realitatea virtuala, Tim Cook reafirma faptul ca domeniul este unul extrem de interesant pentru compania pe care o conduce, presedintele Apple folosindu-se de acest segment pentru a evita sa ofere informatii cu privire la masina Apple pe care foarte multa o asteapta de ceva vreme.

I think AR [augmented reality] is extremely interesting and sort of a core technology. So, yes, it’s something we’re doing a lot of things on behind that curtain that we talked about. [Laughs.].

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