Apple reactiveaza serviciul iCloud Push Mail pentru Germania


In urma unui proces intentat de catre Motorola companiei Apple, cei din Cupertino au fost fortati sa intrerupa serviciul Push Mail al iCloud pentru mai bine de un an de zile, insa numai in Germania. Astazi Apple a confirmat restaurarea serviciilor sale in respectiva tara europeana, insa pentru a face acest lucru a fost nevoita sa depuna o cautiune in valoare de 132 de milioane se dolari unei instante din Germania.

After the Federal Patent Court’s preliminary ruling, Apple filed with the Karlsruhe-based appeals court a motion to stay enforcement against Google’s will. In early September, the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court granted it. I published my own (obviously unofficial) English translation of the order. The order revealed that Apple had to post a 100 million euro ($132 million) bond to get the injunction actually lifted. The paperwork for all of this apparently took a few weeks and presumably Apple’s technical staff conducted some internal tests before finally reactivating the push notification feature for end users — which it did today.

Vestea este imbucuratoare pentru germanii care utilizau email-urile facute prin intermediul sistemului iCloud sau Yahoo! , ei fiind singurii afectati de interdictie.