Medieval Wars: Strategy & Tactics – un nou joc de strategie inedit pentru platforma iOS


  Medieval Wars: Strategy & Tactics este un nou joc de strategie lansat in cursul acestei saptamani in App Store-ul companiei Apple, el avand gameplay-ul centrat in era medievala a Europei, o perioada in care majoritatea tarilor erau inclestate in razboaie sangeroase. Creatorii jocului ne dau posibilitatea de a reproduce invazia normanzilor, cruciadele, razboiul celor doua roze si nu doar atat, voi avand putand prelua controlul asupra armatelor Angliei, Frantei, dar si a armatei cruciatilor intr-o serie de campanii in care spiritul strategic va ajuta sa castigati fiecare batalie. In total veti avea posibilitatea de a participa la nu mai putin de 16 misiuni istorice, fiecare construita intr-un mod cat se poate de apropiat de cel real, ramane ca voi sa castigati fiecare lupta si sa reconstituiti adevarul istoric.

The history of medieval Europe is rich in bloody wars and conflicts. The Norman invasion, the Crusades, the Hundred Years’ War, the Reconquista, the Wars of the Roses, the Albigensian Crusade and endless peasant riots… A new game in the Strategy & Tactics series gives you an opportunity to try your strength in confrontations between the most ruthless conquerors. In Medieval Wars: Strategy & Tactics you are to lead the armies of England and France as well as the armies of crusaders in three campaigns and try to win the biggest wars and battles of European medieval history. Scenario maps will let you take part in Russian feuds, stop the Saracens under the flag of Charles the Great and lead The Hussites.

After winning all the fascinating battles of Campaign and Scenario mode, try Hotseat multiplayer mode.
Medieval Wars: Strategy & Tactics: It’s time to march off!

Medieval Wars: Strategy & Tactics este disponibil gratuit in format universal in App Store.

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Medieval Wars: Strategy & Tactics



Categoria: Games

Descriere: The history of medieval Europe is rich in bloody wars and conflicts. The Norman invasion, the Crusades, the Hundred Years’ War, the Reconquista, the Wars of the Roses, the Albigensian Crusade and endless peasant riots A new game in the Strategy & Tactics …

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