BatteryShower aduce un nou mod de a afisa statusul bateriei in iOS

BatteryShower este un nou tweak disponibil pentru iDevices care modifica felul in care este afisat statusul bateriei noastre in LockScreen. In mod normal statusul bateriei este afisat in LockScreen doar atunci cand incarcam terminalul. BatteryShower modifica aceasta functie si ne permite fie sa afisam statusul bateriei tot timpul in LockScreen fie sa nu il afisam deloc. Daca alegem prima optiune atunci in LockScreen vom vedea statusul bateriei indiferent daca terminalul este pus la incarcat sau nu si iOS va crede ca terminalul se afla la incarcat tot timpul. A doua optiune nu afiseaza statusul bateriei absolut deloc in LockScreen, nici atunci cand punem intr-adevar terminalul la incarcat.

BatteryShower este disponibil gratuit in Cydia in repo-ul BigBoss. Pe iPad tweak-ul functioneaza doar partial.

Recently on the TweakWeek challenge, @InfectionFX released the ASB (Always Show Battery) tweak. I liked his idea and did a small implementation based on his source code.

With this tweak, you can choose between:
– Showing Battery on LockScreen only when it’s charging (default on iOS)
– Always Show Battery on LockScreen
– Never Show Battery on LockScreen

BUG DISCLAIMER: You /might/ need to switch settings from ON to OFF and then turn them ON again (/both/) for the tweak to actually work. Working on a fix

No new icons are added to your homescreen. Configure BatteryShower options from your Settings app