Chronic Dev Team pierde exploit-urile pentru untethered jailbreak la iOS 5, lanseaza un program pentru a descoperi altele

    V-am spus astazi ca baietii de la Chronic Dev Team vor lansa un program care ii va ajuta sa descopere exploit-uri pentru a ne oferi o solutie de untethered jailbreak in iOS 5. Toata lumea astepta o solutie de untethered jailbreak insa Chronic Dev Team nu o va lansa pentru ca “maretele” exploit-uri descoperite de ei au fost blocate de catre Apple. P0sixninja a explicat astazi intr-un post pe blogul Chronic Dev Team ca Apple a inchis o buna parte dintre exploit-urile descoperite de ei si ca solutia de untethered jailbreak este in mare parte doar o trista amintire in momentul de fata.

First & foremost: during my JailbreakCon talk in September, I was excited to announce that the Chronic Dev team had already discovered 5 different exploits for use in our upcoming jailbreak. Unfortunately, that announcement was a bit premature, because in the subsequent weeks, Apple found & patched a (critical) few of those exploits, between the beta versions we used for testing and the final release of iOS5 on October 12.

Sadly (and trust us, we are much more sad about this than any of you could possibly be), this has prevented us from being able to release a new jailbreak as quickly as we wanted to. As I hinted at earlier this week on Twitter, I was initially disheartened to think that so many of the countless hours we’ve worked on this jailbreak seemingly went right down the drain.

Not to mention, these are by no means the first exploits that have been “lost” by Chronic Dev (or any other iOS hacking teams) in this manner. In fact, these are just a few in a long-running series of exploits that were patched by Apple before we hackers could make use of them in a free jailbreak for you, our loyal fans.

   Acum ca solutia nu este nici pe departe pregatita pentru lansare, Chronic Dev Team a dezvoltat un program care aparent ii va ajuta sa descopere noi exploit-uri in iOS. Programul acesta preia crash log-urile din iOS si in loc sa le trimita la Apple le trimite la serverele Chronic Dev Team unde ei vor analiza datele pentru a descoperi exploit-uri in iOS. Aceste crash log-uri contin informatii ale dispozitivelor noastre, informatii despre modul in care o aplicatie s-a inchis singura sau despre inchiderea instantanee a terminalului nostru. Aceste informatii ajuta Apple sa rezolve probleme ale iOS si sa repare exploit-uri insa cei de la Chronic Dev Team vor sa foloseasca metoda pentru a descoperi exploit-uri.

Instead of allowing this vicious cycle to continue, we decided to write a new program to turn Apple’s own beast against its master, per se. All this program requires from you is to attach your iOS device to your computer and click a single button!

At this point, the program copies all the crash reports off your device (which, under normal circumstances, would be sent right back to Apple), and instead sends this data to a secure, private server hosted by your friendly Chronic Dev team. Next, our program proceeds to neuter your copy of iTunes, simply by changing your settings to prevent your computer from sending any further diagnostic information from your device to Apple.

Using this agglomeration of your crash reports and our ninja skills, Chronic Dev will be able to quickly pinpoint vulnerabilities in various programs by using the same techniques Apple currently employs. At the very least, your data will help point us in the direction of which applications are the most vulnerable, so we can focus our time & energy on these with laser-like intensity. And, of course, this will also prevent Apple from accessing all your valuable data, just so they can then turn around and use it against you.

   Ei au lansat un program pentru Mac, care va trimite automat crash report-urile catre serverele lor in locul celor de la Apple. Acum nu va pot recomanda sa folositi programul pentru ca nu stiu cum anume vor folosi ei acele date insa daca sunteti interesati de el il puteti descarca de aici. Programul modifica iTunes-ul vostru si il face sa trimita datele la serverele Chronic Dev in loc de cele ale Apple si sterge automat log-urile dupa descarcare. Log-urile se descarca in mod normal in calculatorul vostru atunci cand conectati iDevice-ul la el si deschideti iTunes.

    In concluzie, solutia de untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 5 este …. departe.

UPDATE: O versiune pentru Windows a programului va fi lansata in viitorul apropiat si va functiona exact la fel ca versiunea pentru Mac OS X.