En Apple Store i Soho blev invaderet af en topløs blondine

   SUA este tara in care orice este posibil asa ca recent intr-un magazin Apple o femeie a decis sa faca o scurta reprezentatie topless la un eveniment de promovare a unui serial TV. Matt Bomer  este unul dintre actorii serialului White Collar si recent el a mers in magazinul Apple din Soho pentru a promova lansarea celei de-a doua parti a sezonului al treilea al serialului White Collar. Printre fanii adunati la eveniment se afla si o femeie drogata care la un moment dat si-a dat hainele jos, a ramas topless s-a urcat pe un scaun si a inceput sa strige in gura mare ca este un paparazzo gol si ca lumea ar trebui sa ii viziteze website-ul.

Went to go see Matt Bomer at the Soho Apple store – he’s promoting the second part of the third season of White Collar, premiering tomorrow. Cristen and I sat in the back on the side. This older blonde woman with a drawn on mustache sat next to Cristen, and she REEKED of marijuana. Midway through the thing, she TAKES OFF HER TOP, stands on a chair, completely topless, and starts screaming about how she is the naked paparazzo and how we should all go visit her website and see her drag queen friends perform blahblahblah.
Cristen was hiding in my lap because this lady was right next to her, and Matt Bomer had this insanely giddy grin on his face and is squealing THIS IS THE BEST THING TO HAVE EVER HAPPENED IN MY CAREER!!!!!!!! He also proceeded to bring it up at every chance he possibly could throughout the rest of the night. ONLY IN NYC, MY FRIENDS. ONLY IN NYC.

   Totul s-a terminat cu politia arestand-o pe femeie si cu o audienta masculina cel mai probabil incantata de eveniment.

Sursa cu foto necenzurata.