Apple patentiert eine neue Methode, um iDevice-Bildschirme vor Fingerabdrücken und Fettflecken zu schützen

     In iPhone 3GS Apple a implementat substanta oleophobica despre care ne-a spus ca protejeaza terminalele noastre si face in asa fel incat ecranele sa nu mai “adune” amprente si pete de grasime. Desigur ca totul a fost doar o promovare eficienta a unei substante care nu are nici un fel de efect avand in vedere ca ecranele atrag la fel de multe amprente si la fel de multe pete de grasime. Avand in vedere ca acea substanta a fost un esec, Apple o recicleaza si astazi isi vede geschrieben un nou brevet de inventie care prezinta o noua metoda de a proteja ecranele de amprente si pete de grasime.

Apple states that to prevent the deposition of oils on an electronic device surface, an oleophobic ingredient could be bonded to the electronic device surface. The oleophobic ingredient could be provided as part of a raw liquid material in one or more concentrations. To avoid adverse reactions due to exposure to air, heat, or humidity, the raw liquid material can be placed in a bottle purged with an inert gas during the manufacturing process.

The bottle could be placed in a liquid supply system having a mechanism for controlling the amount of raw liquid material that passes through the liquid supply system. Upon reaching the vaporizing unit, the liquid could be vaporized and the oleophobic ingredient within the liquid can then be deposited on the electronic device component surface. As the liquid supply is drained from the bottle, additional inert gas is supplied in its place to further prevent contamination.

     Apple propune o metoda care implica o combinare a substantei oleophobice, cu o suprafata electrica de care nu s-ar mai “lipi” absolut nimic. Practic brevetul pare a descrie metoda folosita deja de catre Apple dar compania are deja un brevet de inventie inregistrat pentru aceasta procedura deci este cel mai probabil vorba despre un sistem diferit. Problema petelor de grasime si a amprentelor probabil nu va fi rezolvata vreodata insa e bine ca Apple incearca. Aici gasiti un articol interesant despre cum arata petele de grasime de pe iPad dupa utilizarea tabletei.