New toys from Apple

apple-magic-mouse-1-r3media-540x363Recently Apple launched the new line of iMacs, MacBooks and a rather interesting toy that caught my attention: the Magic Mouse.

What is so interesting about the new toy? The design, the color, the fact that it is made by Apple? Or maybe because instead of buttons it has a touchscreen system that benefits from multi-touch technology? I don't know what you think, but for me the idea of ​​having a mouse that responds to commands just by simple touch sounds very good. Who needs the wheel to scroll when you can do this very simply by moving two fingers on the surface of the mouse and that's not all, zoom or back and forth through Safari are among the favorites when it comes to the features of the new mouse. And that's not all, Apple boasts that the new model only works with a single battery that "feeds" it for 4 months.

Too bad it doesn't work on PC either...