The Android OS port for iPhone 3G is almost ready


The boys from Linux On the iPhone they have made important progress in terms of porting the install solution AndroidOS pe iPhone and on iPhone 3G, one of the big obstacles being updating drivers for multitouch because iPhone 2G uses older drivers than those implemented in iDevices from iPhone 3G and until now.

Drivers for multitouch were not the only big obstacle in porting the solution to install AndroidOS on all iDevices, the second big problem is the baseband because for now the developers have not managed to modify the baseband so that it can use the network. There is still a solution, changing the baseband so that calls can be made but the possibility of using the data connection does not work. It remains to be seen what they will choose to do.

So soon the solution to install will appear AndroidOS pe iPhone 3G, I personally am much more interesting when we will be able to install on iPhone 3GS and how it will run on this platform.