iH8sn0w in conflict with saurik

This is message now displayed on iH8sn0w's website following statements made by saurik in a radio show regarding iH8sn0w and his jailbreak solutions. It seems that saurik was asked in a radio show if iH8sn0w's jailbreak solutions are reliable, and his reply was "No", iH8sn0w's jailbreak solutions are not reliable and by default it follows that they should not be used . Of course, iH8sn0w put his pride in front of all his work and decided to close the site, but I am sure that this situation will not last too long and iH8sn0w will return to better thoughts.

UPDATED : It seems that iH8sn0w has returned to better thoughts, but saurik kept his recommendation in connection with the trust that should be given to the jailbreak solutions made by iH8sn0w.