Cydia no longer saves SHSH files for iOS 4.1

If you've accessed Cydia lately, then you've noticed that you no longer have the message that warns you about SHSH files saved in Cydia for the different firmware versions from Apple. It seems that saurik has decided to stop the system of displaying these SHSHs due to the high traffic recorded lately after the appearance of new jailbreak solutions. Unfortunately saurik stopped not only the notifications but also the entire SHSH saving system, so any terminal that did not have SHSH saved but was jailbroken now on iOS 4.1 will not have SHSH saved in Cydia because the system that does this has been stopped

If you want to save the SHSH for iOS 4.1 then I recommend you to download TinyUmbrella from here and follow this tutorial. It is rumored that Apple may release iOS 4.1.1 soon to solve the problem this Safety.