What do iPad tablet owners do? Surf the internet and stay on Twitter

Those at Business Insider have publicat today a graph where the answers given by the site's readers following an opinion poll are represented. As you can see in the graph above, the main occupation of iPad tablet owners is browsing the Internet, which gathered 36% of the votes. On the 2nd place with 23% we have the use of Facebook/Twitter as an application for email or other communication methods, but I think that Facebook should be switched to browsing the web considering that there is no dedicated application for the iPad.

On the 3rd place we have the use of various applications and on the last 2 places playing games and watching videos. The graph shows in blue the results of the same survey conducted in November 2010 and in red the results of the survey conducted now. It can be seen that browsing the web and using social network applications have lost ground to games, movies and the use of other applications. Some say that the iPad tablet and other tablets in general are only used for games, well, iPad owners play games less than they surf the web, stay on social networks or use various applications.