Apple blocks the possibility to delete the applications being downloaded


A very interesting, and useful at the same time, function of iOS 4.3 was the possibility to stop the download and installation of an application from the AppStore. The process was simple, it only required a long press on the application while it was loading, next to it appeared the small X that allowed deletion and that was all. From iOS 4.3.3 (I think) Apple removed this option and now the applications are downloaded and installed by themselves without problems and without us being able to prevent them. I didn't pay attention in iOS 4.3.2 to see if the function was present, but I know that in iOS 4.3 it was safe because I used it myself.

I don't understand why Apple removed it since it was so useful for many users but it's a shame because now we have to let the application install and if it's a big application then it can take quite a long time time.

Thanks to Calin for the warning.