iCloud and the danger for your internet subscription

iCloud is a very useful method to transfer our photos/backups to Apple's servers and then to any other iDevice or Mac. The service from Apple will prove to be extremely useful for all users and will certainly reduce the dependence on iTunes. iCloud has a function called backup and a function called PhotoStream that automatically synchronizes information from our devices with Apple's servers without the terminal warning us in any way or displaying any status that it is in the synchronization process.

PhotoStream automatically synchronizes the photos from our terminal with other terminals or with iCloud on the computer and the backup function automatically makes a backup for our iDevice at certain time intervals. Normally, these backups do not require a lot of traffic, but if you have a large number of photos or if you install several applications, then there is a possibility that your terminal will upload several tens or in rare cases even hundreds of MB without you you know Some internet subscriptions even charge 1 euro/MB for exceeding the initial traffic, but most only reduce the speed.

Be very careful with iCloud because you might find yourself with subscription traffic that you didn't know anything about.