Would you still buy an iPhone or an iPad tablet if there was no jailbreak?

Shortly after the release of iOS 5, there were many opinions that said that Apple dealt another blow to the jailbreak community and that soon the jailbreak will become absolutely useless. The Dev Team shortly released the first version of redsn0w that jailbroken iOS 5 and since then we have been "assaulted" by a multitude of tweaks that either implement iOS 4 functions in iOS 5 or improve the way iOS 5 works. I don't know if the recent activity is an answer given by the community to those who said that the jailbreak will be forgotten, but for a few weeks the developers seem more active than ever and release tweaks after tweaks.

Leaving aside everything that happened after the presentation of iOS 5, would you still be willing to buy an iDevice if jailbreaking was no longer possible? Would you live with the limitations imposed by Apple and without the possibility to customize your device or improve its functions? Would you be willing to switch to another platform that offers jailbreak and forget iOS just because you can no longer use Cydia or install pirated applications? Without a jailbreak, I for one would think very seriously about whether it would be worth buying a new iDevice and I probably wouldn't give up the platform altogether, but buy a device with Android or Windows Phone 7 on which I can do whatever I want. You…

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