Rovio hires one of the executive producers of Iron Man 2 for the Angry Birds movie

Thematic storese Angry Birds from China are not the only objective of those from Rovio who they will also make a movie based on the story of the famous characters in the game. To ensure that the final result will be worthy of an Oscar nomination, Rovio hired one of the executive producers of the movie Iron Man 2. David Maisel is the man from whom Rovio expects so much and if the release of the movie last year it was just a possibility, this year things are taking shape and serious amounts of money will be invested in the production of the film.

I'm very honored and excited to join Rovio, and my goal is to help unleash its great potential, Rovio has already had amazing success and established a great brand with Angry Birds. The business model, intellectual properties, and the franchise potential of Angry Birds give Rovio the most exciting prospects I have seen in the entertainment business since Marvel in 2003.

Considering the enormous success of the Angry Birds game worldwide, a film based on the same principles cannot be different, especially since there is already a user base waiting to see it. Until the official release, we will probably see some trailers and "making of's" for the film, and I for one am very interested in seeing the final result.