iPhone SLR Mount turns your iPhone into a DSLR camera

Although the camera of the iPhone 4 terminal is considered to be one of the most popular and most used cameras for smartphones, a lens has recently been released that can be attached to the camera of the iPhone 4 terminal and allows the acceptance of quality pictures similar to those taken with a DSLR camera. The accessory can be ordered in 2 formulas, one with a Nikon lens and one with a Canon lens, each of them being sold separately and can be attached to a case in which we have to mount the iPhone 4 terminal.

Faux no more. The iPhone SLR Mount gives you the real thing. It'll set your phone photos apart from everyone else's on Instagram in an unprecedented way (#nofilters!).

This case-adapter combo lets you mount your Canon EOS or Nikon SLR lenses to your iPhone 4 giving your phone powerful depth of field and manual focus.

Telephoto, wide angle, macro, or your fixed fifty lenses all attach to this mount giving you a full range of lenses at your iPhone lovin' fingertips. Heck, you could even throw on a Diana adapter!

Of course, the pictures will not have the same quality as those taken with a DSLR camera, but such a nearly $200 accessory will help iDevice owners to take professional pictures using their own terminal. The iPhone SLR Mount can be purchased from here for $190.