iCam – the concept of a camera with a dock that allows the attachment of an iPhone

     Many of the high-end cameras currently available on the market have touchscreens that allow users to use the device's functions. The screen is of course limited to the functions of the camera, but how would a camera that has it work? possibility to attach an iPhone terminal to it? Some inventive designers made the above concept that proposes the construction of rooms equipped with a dock in which an iPhone terminal can be mounted. Practically, our terminal takes the images of the camera lens and allows us to take pictures, direct all the functions of the camera and save all the pictures directly in our device.

      Connecting the iPhone terminal is done using a 22-pin USB port and using the storage space of our device we have the possibility to see and send the pictures to whoever we want in just a few simple steps. The idea is very interesting and it would certainly not be limited to iPhone terminals, but it seems that such a concept seems difficult to achieve. There would certainly be interested users and mounting an iPhone to a professional camera seems like a very good idea, now it remains to be seen if there will be someone brave enough to put it into practice.

Here are the features of the room:

  • Use real lenses
  • Use optical zoom
  • Save your photos directly to your phone, to an ftp address, share or mail them.
  • Record better hd videos or video call with better videos
  • Edit your photos with apps