Apple store clones – from Apple Store to Smart Store and iParty

      As you already know very well, China is full of clones of Apple stores but also of stores that claim falsely that they are authorized resellers of Apple products. The Chinese authorities started a few weeks ago a campaign to discover and verify these types of stores and so far the only result of this campaign is that those stores changed their name and no longer use the Apple logo. Of course, only some of them respected the decisions of the authorities, others preferring to continue with the same branding even though they have no right.

      Regarding the names of the stores, some have preferred to give up the Apple Store title in favor of more interesting names such as Smart Store or iParty, but continue to sell Apple products. The good part of this campaign lies in the fact that people will no longer believe that they are entering a real Apple Store, and this is largely what the company from Cupertino wanted, because everyone makes a profit from the sale of products. iParty and Smart Store are just the beginning because we are talking about many fake Apple stores that will soon completely change their names.