Apple releases iTunes 10.5 beta 6, iCloud beta 6 and Xcode 4.2 preview 6

     Along with the new version of iOS 5, Apple also released iTunes 10.5 beta 6, iCloud beta 6 and Xcode 4.2 preview 6. The new version of iTunes is necessary to backup and synchronize our terminals that have iOS 5 beta 6 installed but for to update you don't need it. iCloud beta 6 is most likely available with new functions only for Mac OS X Lion because Apple generally released new functions for this operating system and not for Windows, so if you have Microsoft's operating system you will have to wait to manage your entire iCloud account.

      All 3 programs can be downloaded from the port dedicated to developers on the Apple website.

UPDATE: Along with the ones presented above, we also have iWork beta 2 for iOS and a new beta version of iOS 5 for Apple TV.