Tutorial: How to activate the Autocorrect bar in iOS 5 without jailbreak

  After the possibility of taking panoramic pictures we now have the possibility to activate a bar of AutoCorrect of texts, a bar similar to the one available in the Android operating system. Apple seems to have "borrowed" this function from Android OS, but to be honest, I don't see it as being that useful because it obstructs even more of the limited space available on the screen. Practically in that bar we will have displayed the words that iOS proposes to correct what we have written and the replacement of a word is done by simply pressing the one displayed in the bar.

   This function can be activated extremely easily even by those who have not jailbroken their own terminal and below you have listed the steps that will help you do this.

1. Download iBackupBot available here.

2. Connect the iDevice to the computer and make a backup using iTunes.

3. Open iBackupBot, select the most recent backup and navigate to Library/Preferences where you will look for the file com.apple.keyboard.plist  and you will open it. In the free version of iBackupBot you have to press cancel to open the file.

4. After you have opened it, you must add the following code:




5. Save the file and restore the backup using iTunes.

  After restore, the function should automatically appear on the screen if you have the autocorrect option activated in Settings>General>Keyboard.