Survey: iOS 5 - many problems, few solutions, what was your experience with it?

    It has been more than a month and a half since the release of iOS 5 by the Apple company and many users are facing quite big problems in using it. I'm talking about problems with the GSM signal that disappears out of nowhere for some, about problems in automatic switching from EDGE to 3G and vice versa, problems with Wi-Fi networks that become inaccessible, problems with calls without sound and of course the famous problems with battery autonomy. For me, on the software side, there are problems with battery autonomy and with the process of automatic switching of the GSM network, but others have it much, much worse.

     I know that not everyone experiences the same things, but for the most part quite a lot of users complain about problems with the new version of the operating system. Apple released iOS 5.0.1 in an attempt to solve some of the problems existing in iOS 5 but it made it worse because it introduced problems for some users who didn't have them and now everyone is waiting for iOS 5.0.2. What experience did you have with iOS 5?