Springtomize 2 available in Cydia brings many new things


   Springtomize 2 is an all-in-one tweak, that is, a tweak in which a multitude of other tweaks are implemented and all with the idea of ​​giving iDevice owners the opportunity to customize their terminal to their liking. Springtomize allows us to modify almost any aspect of iOS and all through a very simple and familiar interface. Tonight version 2.0 of the tweak was released in Cydia and it brings, first of all, compatibility with iOS 5 and secondly, many new features compared to the previous version.

Springtomize allows you to customize your SpringBoard, to make it look and feel how you want. It provides plenty of options to modify even the smallest aspect of your device. Springtomize is really the only tweak you need to customize your device, and it provides all the settings you may need in a single, convenient interface.

You can find a detailed documentation that explains all the features of Springtomize 2 in the Settings panel. or in the link further down this page.

   The Springtomize 2 developer did a very interesting page which lists all the functions available in the tweak and browsing through it you will find out what awaits you as soon as you buy it. Springtomize 2 is available in Cydia, in the BigBoss repo for $2.99.