Here is another way to solve the functionality problems of the Home button

   A few months ago, I presented you with this method, which theoretically recalibrates the Home button of our iDevices. For some the method worked, for others unfortunately it didn't work, but today I have a new one for you that should clean the dust off the button of your terminal. I didn't test the method, I discovered it on our forum where a moderator introduced it. If you try it, you do it at your own risk and I am not responsible for any damage caused to your terminal.

I discovered a method 2 days ago to repair the HOME button, very easy and takes 5 minutes.

What do you need : 

1. Isopropyl alcohol (available at electronic component stores and costs 6 lei).

2. A pipette, you can find it at the pharmacy, I don't know the price.

Now the method: 

1. Turn off the phone
2. Insert the pipette into the isopropyl alcohol and fill it about half. (LET THE PIPETTE BE SMALL)
3. Drop on the home button and spread the alcohol with your finger.
4. Press the button 20-25 times until it all evaporates and when the alcohol enters, clean the oxidized contact on the back (dust or other impurities).
5. Open the phone and you will see the difference.

If you managed to solve your problems, please leave a comment.